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Frank Mollison

It always amazes me how much you can learn about the world from exploring your family’s story. My great uncle Frank was a British Home Child. I had never heard of such a thing before. Basically children were sent from England to the colonies … over a very long period of time … to become…

Carrier Law

I just love this picturesque description of my Great Great Grandfather James Law who was born in Insch, Aberdeenshire, Scotland in 1811:[1] “… it might with truth be said that no stronger or more robust, more firmly-knit, or finely-built man walked its streets. He stood 5 feet 10 inches in height, straight as an arrow,…


Do you have major accomplishments you are proud of? …. most of mine will not be remembered by anyone other than myself… Doing family history research I have found that it is rare to find information beyond what is provided in archived records like census and bmd data. Rare… but when it does happen… so…

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